This is a semester “warm up” assignment. It is a mystery hunt where students try to track down information to answer questions about the online platform they are working with and their own institution of higher education. The assignment is designed to challenge students to think through complicated issues like digital privacy based on primary and secondary sources.
It also serves as an introduction to research methods, critical thinking, and the mechanics of writing, which are a standard part of higher education. This assignment will make more sense to instructors who privilege teaching the broader transferable skills from higher education (finding, evaluating, and synthesizing information) over imparting content. Every individual pedagogue must decide how much room there is for this in their class based on their own value systems and priorities. Typically, when I have run assignments of this ilk, students take this assignment home, and I bring my synthetic reading of their answer back to the classroom raising central issues, divergences of opinion, and emphasizing how students handled tricky questions. This can take as little as 20 minutes.
Students are to answer these questions to “the best of their ability”. This assignment isn’t built to “evaluate” student knowledge. It is designed to get them to think critically about learning while skill building in key areas of higher education. For first years it will be a crash course in university related expectations. For those further in their studies it can serve as practice.
In some cases, students and instructors may not be able to find the answer to a particular question because that information isn’t available or they have not yet acquired the research skills. In these cases, students should be instructed to take notes on where they looked for the information, which search terms they used, people they contacted, and how long they spent researching the question, etc. This will give the instructor a primer in the semester about the diverse research skills that students are familiar with. Later in the term instructors may hark back to the answers to this assignment when setting up instructions for the next regarding the validity of sources, intended audience, and the importance of clarity in writing.
NB: While this iteration of the assignment is authored around “Zoom”, it is transferable to other teaching platforms including Jitsi, GoogleMeets, MSTeams, and Skype.
If students encounter any accessibility issues while trying to answer a question, they are invited to comment on that inaccessibility.